Category Archives: Uncategorized

WVEL News Scope Now: Chicagoland Area Restaurant Tried To Reseat Over Skin Color

WVEL News Scope Now: Chicagoland Area Restaurant Tried To Reseat Over Skin Color

(Photo By Flickr User Mike Mozart)   Buffalo Wild Wings says multiple employees have been fired at one of its suburban Chicago restaurants after a group of mostly African American customers said they were asked to move to another table because of their skin color. The Naperville Sun, WICS-TV, and The Associated Press report that Buffalo…MORE

Finally, The Popeyes Chicken Sandwich Is Back!

Finally, The Popeyes Chicken Sandwich Is Back!

(Photo By Flickr User Mike Mozart)   “Attention all Popeyes Chicken Sandwich foodies, attention all Popeyes Chicken Sandwich foodies, now hear this……” In case you didn’t know, well now you do! For those of you that have been patiently waiting, the Popeyes Chicken Sandwich returns after a sell-out summer! Popeyes Chicken & Biscuits Restaurant announced the…MORE

WVEL Consumer/News Scope Now: Electric Supply Rates Are Going Down For Ameren Customers

WVEL Consumer/News Scope Now: Electric Supply Rates Are Going Down For Ameren Customers

(Photo By Flickr User Midwest Energy News)   Electric supply rates are going down for residential Ameren Illinois customers. Rates are 5% lower than last year. A typical residential customer who uses 10,000 kilowatt-hours of electricity per year will see annual savings of about $22. “This is good news for customers who opt to have Ameren…MORE

WVEL News/Technology Scope Now: Update Or Not To Update Your iPhone

WVEL News/Technology Scope Now: Update Or Not To Update Your iPhone

(Photo By Flickr User mkuma443)   “Update Or Not To Update Your iPhone, that is the question!” “Attention Apple iPhone5 users, attention Apple iPhone5 users, Apple iPhone5 users, update your phone or you may lose internet connection!” Apple is warning some iPhone users that they could lose internet connection if they do not update their phones.…MORE

Harlem Globetrotters Fan Powered World Tour Reminder

Harlem Globetrotters Fan Powered World Tour Reminder

(Photo By Flickr User Jim Azar)   The Original Harlem Globetrotters are known for our amazing feats of basketball, humor, and acts of goodwill on and off the court. Join in as they celebrate the fans during the all-new Fan Powered World Tour! There will be over 20 occasions before, during and after the game where…MORE

Daylight Savings Time: Fall 2019

Daylight Savings Time: Fall 2019

(Photo By Flickr User Andoniaina Nambinintsoa RAZAFINDRADOARA)   “To all the Saints get ready to turn back your clocks and do the rest-a-way, Now Fall Back, Fall Back, Fall Back, Fall Back!” Well Brothers & Sisters, Mothers & Misters, it’s that time again! It’s time to change the clocks! But this is the one where we…MORE

WVEL Travel/Food Scope: Fall Campfire Food Recipes

WVEL Travel/Food Scope: Fall Campfire Food Recipes

(Photo By Flickr User Madeleine Deaton)       In the Fall many families find themselves at a campsite. Some may think that staying in the outdoors means eating basic food; but it doesn’t have to. We here at WVEL-AM (Central Illinois’ Christian Voice) in conjunction with KHQA-TV, have some easy and delicious campfire recipes. Cookbook…MORE

WVEL Sports/HBCU Scope Now: St. Louis Heritage Football Classic Cancelled

WVEL Sports/HBCU Scope Now: St. Louis Heritage Football Classic Cancelled

(Photo By Flickr User Joe)   The St. Louis Heritage Football Classic and all events have been canceled for November 23, 2019, the promoters made the announcement on this week. Due to low ticket sales it was mutually agreed by BCSG (Black College Sports Group) 360 and both Lincoln (MO) University and Kentucky State University not…MORE

WVEL Health/News Scope Now: Baby Sleeping Tips

WVEL Health/News Scope Now: Baby Sleeping Tips

(Photo By Flickr User Mohammed A. Fadil)   Newsline: Baby Sleeping Tips   Health Official Experts are sharing tips for Infant Safe Sleep Awareness Month to help keep babies safe. In 2018, 143 infants under the age of one died in Illinois due to hazardous sleeping environments. According to WGEM-TV, Blessing-Rieman College of Nursing & Health…MORE

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