Category Archives: Uncategorized

Unique Thanksgiving Recipe Leftovers

Unique Thanksgiving Recipe Leftovers

    “Do you have Thanksgiving leftovers? No problem; have we got some recipes for you!” The Farm Stand & KHQA-TV shared multiple recipes to make with your Thanksgiving leftovers: Cranberry Sauce Muffins 1/2 cup sugar 1/2 cup vegetable oil 1 cup sour cream 1/4 cup buttermilk 2 large eggs 1 tsp vanilla extract 1…MORE

Butterball Turkey Talk-Line Holiday Reminder

Butterball Turkey Talk-Line Holiday Reminder

    (Photo By Flickr User Kristin Andrus)   For more than 30 years, the professionally trained turkey experts that make up the Turkey Talk-Line have been answering turkey related questions each holiday season. Open every November and December, the 50+ experts answer more than 100,000 questions, for thousands of households around the United States and…MORE

To Wash Or Not To Wash Your Thanksgiving Turkey, That Is The Question

To Wash Or Not To Wash Your Thanksgiving Turkey, That Is The Question

(Photo By Flickr User Clyde Robinson)   Grocery shopping and recipe preparations may be well underway ahead of Thanksgiving, but several health agencies have banded together to deliver one clear rule before the holiday: Don’t wash the turkey before cooking it! Amy Keating, R.D., a Consumer Reporters nutritionist, said in a food safety memo, “You can’t…MORE

132nd Annual Santa Claus Parade Reminder

132nd Annual Santa Claus Parade Reminder

(Photo By Flickr User synestheticstrings)   America’s longest running holiday parade makes its return to the River City on Thanksgiving Weekend! The 132nd Annual Santa Claus Parade will be taking place on November 29, 2019 (Thanksgiving Friday), beginning at 10:15am in Peoria, IL. Join in on this great Peoria tradition as the parade takes a magical…MORE

WVEL Sports Scope Now: IHSA State Football Championships: Destination DeKalb

WVEL Sports Scope Now: IHSA State Football Championships: Destination DeKalb

(Photo By Flickr User Rory Finneren)   Sports Line: IHSA Football State Finals-DeKalb, IL The City of DeKalb, IL will be hosting their 4th title game coming this weekend at Huskie Stadium! Just in case you will traveling to the Chicagoland Area on this Thanksgiving Weekend, here is the schedule for the games on Friday, November 29th…MORE

WVEL Health/News Scope Now: Late Workers + Best Excuses = Solutions

WVEL Health/News Scope Now: Late Workers + Best Excuses = Solutions

(Photo By Flickr User alexkerhead)   A survey released earlier this week finds nearly 3 in 10 workers say they are late to work at least once a month. That amounts to 28% of workers. TrueBlue, KWQC-TV, and NBC News has released some laugh-out-loud actual excuses workers gave for arriving late to work. Among them: –…MORE

WVEL Holiday Scope: 132nd Annual Santa Claus Parade

WVEL Holiday Scope: 132nd Annual Santa Claus Parade

(Photo By Flickr User Jeremy Wong)   America’s longest running holiday parade makes its return to the River City on Thanksgiving Weekend! The 132nd Annual Santa Claus Parade will be taking place on Friday, November 29, 2019 (Thanksgiving Friday) beginning at 10:15am in Peoria, IL. Join in on this great Peoria tradition as the parade takes…MORE

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