WVEL News/Entertainment Scope: iWireless Center Is Now Renamed As The TaxSlayer Center

(Photo By Flickr User CinCool)


First it was the “Mark Of The Quad Cities,” then the locals got used to calling it the “iWireless Center,” now the popular entertainment venue will be called the “TaxSlayer Center!”

According to wqad.com, the announcement came late last Thursday morning.

TaxSlayer, an online tax and finance service company, made a $3.3 million agreement with the Illinois Quad Cities Civic Center Authority for 10 years.

Don Welvaert, Illinois Quad City Civic Center Authority Chairman said,

“We are looking forward to a long and mutually beneficial relationship with TaxSlayer, This new partnership is great for our community and will help us maintain our standing as one of the top mid-size arenas in the country.”

The venue was officially renamed TaxSlayer Center on Sunday, October 1st, 2017.

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