WVEL Money/Sports Scope: Cubs World Series Run Cost The City Of Chicago Millions Of Dollars In Overtime

(Photo By Flickr User Mack Male)


According to The Associated Press, records show that the city of Chicago spent $18.8 million in worker overtime during the Chicago Cubs’ World Series title run.

The Chicago Sun-Times obtained the records via a public records request. The paperwork shows the city spent the money on public safety, traffic management and street cleanup. The Cubs won the championship after a 108-year drought. Chicago officials say the city will cover the tab, not the Cubs.

Most of the Cubs-related overtime went to the Chicago Police Department, or about $17.2 million- $14.7 million during the World Series. Records show Chicago paid about $843,000 for the Office of Emergency Management and Communications and $743,000 for Streets and Sanitation.

The Cubs rally and parade cost more than $2.5 million in police and streets and sanitation overtime.


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