Daylight Savings Time: Fall 2019

(Photo By Flickr User Andoniaina Nambinintsoa RAZAFINDRADOARA)


“To all the Saints get ready to turn back your clocks and do the rest-a-way, Now Fall Back, Fall Back, Fall Back, Fall Back!”

Well Brothers & Sisters, Mothers & Misters, it’s that time again! It’s time to change the clocks! But this is the one where we get an extra hour of sleep, resting, or whatever you’re doing the 1st weekend in November 2019 (just in case you didn’t know)!

Remember to set your clocks back one hour on Sunday, November 3rd at 2am (local time; basically before you go to bed on Saturday night).

We already have sprung forward, and now it’s time to fall back, fall back, fall back!

Just a friendly and timely reminder from Central Illinois’ Christian Voice, AM 1140-WVEL & Cumulus Media!

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