(Photo By Flickr User USAG- Humphreys)
September is National Suicide Prevention Month and is meant to highlight this cause of death that claims the life of one person every 40 seconds.
“I’d love to see those numbers change where it isn’t a leading cause of death because with it being the 10th leading cause of death, it’s the number one preventable cause of death and so if we can get the right information out and talk about it more I’m hoping we can save more lives,” McLean County Center for Human Services Crisis Program Manager Meghan Moser said.
The Center For Human Services provides a wide range of resources for those dealing with mental health issues in McLean County.
In Peoria, Keegan’s Krew promotes suicide awareness and anti-bullying to children and families.
“We go around and we’ll have some sort of an event that encourages kindness or teaches coping skills or just highlights different passions that kids might have to sort of funnel that energy that kids might have,” Keegan’s Krew founder Kelly Beal said.
Beal was inspired to start Keegan’s Krew after her son died by suicide in 2017. She says before passing her son had created an anti-bullying group at his school to help his classmates.
“[Sucicide] is a conversation that has to start younger than you would expect. For me, Kegeen was 11 so it never occurred to me that was something that I needed to discuss with him at such a young age,” she said.
For more information on Keegan’s Krew and their upcoming events visit their Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/keeganskrew1/
• Peoria County Emergency Response Service (309)-671-8084
• Tazewell, Woodford County Crisis and Referrals (309)-347-1148
• The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (800)-273-8255 or by text at 741741
(Information Courtesy Of WEEK-TV)