WVEL Travel Scope Now: Teen Drivers + 100 Deadliest Days

(Photo By Flickr User Michael Burns)


Fatal teen crash rates show drinking and driving, speeding and distraction are among top killers on the road during summer.

Parents, with school out for teens across the Prairie State, do you ever worry about their safety on the roads?

Well, you are not alone because the 100 Deadliest Days are in full effect!

According to WGEM-TV & AAA, Over the past five years, nearly 3,500 people have been killed in crashes involving teen drivers during the 100 Deadliest Days, the period between Memorial Day and Labor Day, when the number of crash fatalities involving a teen driver historically rise.

New crash data from 2013-2017 reveals major factors contributing to fatal teen crashes during the summer driving period include:

-Speeding (28%)
-Drinking and driving (17%)
-Distraction (9%)

52 percent of teens admitted to reading a text message or email while driving in the past 30 days, according to aaafoundation.org.

Dr. David Yang, Executive Director of the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety said,

“Crash data shows that teens are a vulnerable driver group with a higher probability of being involved in crashes. And while teens may make mistakes when first learning to drive, it is important to continue educating them about safety behind the wheel so they avoid the reckless behaviors that put themselves and others at risk on the road.”

AAA Foundation research found that nearly two-thirds of people injured or killed in a crash involving a teen driver are people other than the teen behind the wheel. Crashes for teen drivers increase significantly during the summer because teens are out of school and driving more.

To read more about the 100 Deadliest Days, log on to newsroom.aaa.com, right now!

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