44th Annual Mayor’s Leadership Prayer Breakfast

(Photo By Flickr User N07)


The 44th Annual Mayor’s Leadership Prayer Breakfast that will be held on Thursday, September 6, 2018 at 6:30 am at the Peoria Peoria Civic Center, featuring Marc Mero, an retired amateur boxer and pro wrestler as the guest speaker.

Despite many obstacles, Marc found success with boxing and then achieved fame as a WCW and WWE Wrestling Champion.

For 14 years, Marc entertained audiences worldwide as “Johnny B. Badd, ”Wildman” Marc Mero and “Marvelous” Marc Mero. Now as an inspirational speaker and author, Marc has been changing the lives of students and people of all ages for almost a decade with his powerful message of HOPE.

As the founder of the nonprofit organization Champion of Choices, Marc’s enthusiasm is contagious as he empowers people of all ages to make positive choices that lead to a more fulfilled life.

“We have two lives… the one we’re born with and the one we make!” In a high-energy, live show using music, visuals and video, Marc conveys his message with passion, humor and sentiment as he reaches listeners at a heart level. “Everyone faces adversity… Attitude is a choice. It is not about the circumstances or the situation… it’s how we respond to it.”

Join in on Thursday, September 6th for the rest of the story. In addition to Marc Mero speaking, there will be great music, food, and fellowship.

Order tickets online www.peoriamayorprayerevent.com

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