(Photo By Flickr User pamusc93)
The 47th Annual Morton Pumpkin Festival opens up on Wednesday, September 11th and ends on Sunday, September 15th in Morton, IL. The opening times of the Pumpkin Festival are as follows: Wednesday, September 11th- 4pm, Thursday, September 12th- 1pm, Friday, September, 13th- 11am, Saturday, September 14th- 6:30am, and Sunday, September 15th- 11am.
This Festival will feature a carnival, live music, the Miss Morton & Pumpkin Princess pageants, a parade and a Pumpkin Classic 5K Run/Walk on Saturday, the Pumpkin Idol competition, a craft fair, plus lots of food including pumpkin specialties such as pumpkin chili, baked beans, pasta salad, pumpkin ice cream, shakes, cheesecake, cookies, and of course, the signature pumpkin pie!
For full details on the festival, visit http://www.mortonpumpkinfestival.org or call the Morton Chamber Of Commerce at 309-263-2491.